2016 PL Week Eleven

Welcome back to week eleven! (ELEVEN?! Where does the time go?) This is the second week I am using the Studio Calico March Homespun Documenter kit. Click through for more! 

Here is my left side of the spread. The color scheme was generally pink and green. I voted so I documented that and used the March card from the kit with little embellishment.

I also used my Silhouette's print and cut function to cut out this little leprechaun for St. Paddy's day. It is offset a little bit to the side, but I'm not worried about it! I thought this little guy was cute! He was a free download from The Lilypad and you can find it here.

I kept the rest pretty simple. The "all is awesome" is from a Citrus Twist cut apart and, while I'm trying not to mix the kits for this month, the pink color was too perfect! I also used the patterned card to bring together all the colors.

This is the left side. The big story of the week is that WE BOUGHT A FRIKKIN' CAR! As you can see from the photo of my ole bag of rust there on the bottom, it was sorely needed! 

I added the "YEAH!" transparency to highlight my excitement!

The Documenter kit came with this little banner stamp. I thought it was cute so I added it to my weekly quote card and put a puffy heart in the middle. Simple and cute!

That's all for now- thanks for reading!
