July Fourth pocket page and process video

Hi! I'm back today to share this 9x12 layout I made from our Fourth of July photos and a process video.

I used the Studio Calico Pop Art Documenter kit from August, 2015. Normally, I'd be hesitant to chop up journal cards but 1.) it's so hard to find square journal cards, and 2.) I've had this kit in my stash forever and I have more than one (😒) so I didn't think twice about it this time. What's the point in having all of these supplies if you're never going to use them!?

I also used the Kellie Stamps summer stamp set that totally went with my pool theme.

I love these bright colors- working with supplies I love makes it so much faster and easier to come up with a layout that really speaks my language.

Video is below, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading!
