Paper & Spool June project

I am so delighted to be on the design team for Paper & Spool. This is my June project and I used the TV Time flairs to document what we watched and loved at our house in May. We are definitely TV junkies so this set is perfect for me!

We saw the movie Hidden Figures and I loved it so much. It was such a frank and unsettling look into 1960's America and all of its racism, but it was also heartwarming and you know I love a movie with smart, strong women! It's based on real events and from what I've read, it keeps very close to the truth of what happened and that makes it so much cooler what these women accomplished. Totally recommend it!

We also watched a lot of The Americans. It's so suspenseful, plus there's another amazing anti-heroine lead character. You know the Russians are the bad guys but since they're the main characters, you kind of have to root for them. It's a catch-22 and that makes this show really riveting.

This spread came together pretty quickly. I love the black and white flairs, they go with all of the colors!

Thanks for reading!
