Playing with my planner

Hello, everyone! I'm here to tell you about a little experiment I'm doing with my new Webster's Pages planner.
Recently, I picked up a Webster Pages A5 planner from JoAnn's on sale. I really like the look of people's super cool planners so I definitely wanted to jump on board! But I use my phone for my actual calendar and wouldn't ever carry around a paper planner, so I thought it would be fun to do something like this- using my planner for memory keeping instead of planning.

I had considered moving my Project Life from weekly to event-based and then to use my planner as a day-to-day memory keeper. For example, if I go to the party, I would put several photos of that in my PL while my foot selfies and pictures of my lunch would go in my planner.

So my planner finally arrived in the mail and I found myself super stumped! I was hesitant to move away from my weekly project-lifing because I had developed a reliable system and approach. Trying new things is scary! Also, I fill up so much of my PL with day-to-day photos that I found myself without things to use in my Project Life spreads if I added everything to my planner...

Anyways, I decided to stick with my new plan and try to make it work. I decided to keep doing my weekly approach but also work things into my planner.Like everything else in life, practice makes perfect, so I decided to commit to it at least for 2 months. Halfway through the year, I will re-evaluate and make changes as necessary. Perhaps I will move to a 9x12 album I picked up at Studio Calico on sale and start doing events-based. Or perhaps I will try to use my planner for actual planning or journaling and keep doing weekly PL layouts. Who knows!? I can change it up if I want to- there are no scrapbook police!

The photo above is a layout I made in my planner. It was tough getting used to a new format, but I like how it came out! Also, as an unexpected benefit, because the size is so small, I can use up scraps and stickers from my monthly kits! It is weird getting used to not having pocket pages, though...

If you have any cool planner resources or ideas about how you think I should use my new planner, I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading!


  1. I don't do a planner, and am resolved not to(famous last words) ...but I LOVE yours.

  2. A new format is always an adjustment. Looks like you are having fun with it though.


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